IT Training Modules - Classroom Tasks

IT Training Module3 Homepage
Home | How To | Name & IP Address | Domain Service (ADDS) | Build a Company Structure | PowerShell AD Users | Administrative Centre | Sites & Services | Password Policy | Group Policy | LDAP | Back Up AD | Azure AD |

Active Directory Training Tasks.

Welcome to the Active Directory Training Module Interactive Taskbook.

This is the guide to the practical tasks to be completed as part of this training module. Use each section to peform the classroom tasks as directed by your trainer.

Please start with the "How To" guide for setting up and using your virtual machines for this practical session.

Select the task from the list below as required.

How to use this training lab.

Server Rename and Static IP.

Install ADDS.

Build a Company User Structure.

PowerShell. AD Powershell Introduction

AD Administrave Centre.

Sites & Services.

Password Policy.

Group Policy.


Backup AD.

Azure AD
