IT Training Modules - Classroom Tasks

IT Training Module1 Homepage
Home | How To | IP Addresses and Subnets | Command Line Tools | Checking for Open Ports | Services and Firewalls | Server / Client Setup | Install and Configure DHCP | DNS Service | Error Logs / Network Analysis |

Command Line Tools

You can use the all the commands listed below to help find network connectivity problems and help to cure them. Take this opertunity to discuss any other tools you think may be useful.

Practical: Use a search engine (Google, Bing etc.) to spend 10 minutes to find out how to use one or more of the commands listed below.

Find the parameters that can be used with each command and then practice using them in the virtual client machine. Make a note of each parameter and what it does.

Only research the commands selected for you by the trainer.

Group Discussion: discuss the answers you have found. Each delegate will have 10 minutes maximum to present their findings on each command to the group.











