IT Training Modules - Classroom Tasks

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Manage Azure Storage

Lab scenario
You need to evaluate the use of Azure storage for storing files residing currently in on-premises data stores. While majority of these files are not accessed frequently, there are some exceptions. You would like to minimize cost of storage by placing less frequently accessed files in lower-priced storage tiers. You also plan to explore different protection mechanisms that Azure Storage offers, including network access, authentication, authorization, and replication. Finally, you want to determine to what extent Azure Files service might be suitable for hosting your on-premises file shares.


In this lab, you will:

Task 1: Provision the lab environment
Task 2: Create and configure Azure Storage accounts
Task 3: Manage blob storage
Task 4: Manage authentication and authorization for Azure Storage
Task 5: Create and configure an Azure Files shares
Task 6: Manage network access for Azure Storage

Estimated timing: 40 minutes

Manage Azure Storage
