IT Training Modules - Classroom Tasks

IT Training Module 10 Homepage
Home | How To | The Learn Sandbox | Azure Virtual Machine | Manage AD Identities | AD SSO integration with uniFLOW Online | Manage Subscriptions and RBAC | Implement Virtual Networking | Implement Inter-Site Connectivity | Manage Azure Storage | Manage Virtual Machines | Implement Monitoring | Download Presentations |

Azure RBAC

Azure RBAC uses an allow model. When you`re assigned a role, Azure RBAC allows you to perform actions within the scope of that role. If one role assignment grants you read permissions to a resource group and a different role assignment grants you write permissions to the same resource group, you have both read and write permissions on that resource group.

Lab scenario

To improve the management of Azure resources in Contoso, you have been tasked with implementing the following functionality:


Task 1:   Implement Management Groups
Task 2:   Create custom RBAC roles
Task 3:   Assign RBAC roles

