IT Training Modules - Classroom Tasks

IT Training Module 10 Homepage
Home | How To | The Learn Sandbox | Azure Virtual Machine | Manage AD Identities | AD SSO integration with uniFLOW Online | Manage Subscriptions and RBAC | Implement Virtual Networking | Implement Inter-Site Connectivity | Manage Azure Storage | Manage Virtual Machines | Implement Monitoring | Download Presentations |

Explore the Learn sandbox

This module requires a sandbox to complete. A sandbox gives you access to free resources. Your personal subscription will not be charged. The sandbox may only be used to complete training on Microsoft Learn. Use for any other reason is prohibited, and may result in permanent loss of access to the sandbox. Microsoft provides this lab experience and related content for educational purposes. All presented information is owned by Microsoft and intended solely for learning about the covered products and services in this Microsoft Learn module.

You will need to create your own account with Microsoft to access the training and your training record if you wish to keep your record seperate from your Canon account. We suggest using your Canon account during the learning.

Sign In with a Microsoft Account

Explore the Learn sandbox


