IT Training Modules

Canon IT Training for Service

Why the Canon IT Service Training path?

Lets take the diagram below as a starting point. You can see one of many possible print infrastructure setups, as in a medium to large customer. Hover over the items for more explanation and some questions to think about. Who is responsible?


What is the IT training programme

This training structure forms a complete learning path for all Canon Service and Professional Service staff. The program contains training covering multiple skill levels. The aim is to ensure all staff have a high level of IT knowledge to enable Canon printer features and maintain Canon solutions on our customers ever expanding IT infrastructure. Our staff increasingly are asked to help support out customers with IT diagnostic related problems as well as requireing basic knowledge needed to work with some of our software solutions. Once this program is completed the delegate will have all the background skills required to support learning Canon specific and 3rd party software deployment in business as usual.

Managers who are responsible for the development of delegates will have a clear path to follow to support their staff through the program and achieve their potential. Therefore ensure Canon and our partners have a service staff with sufficient skill set to support our customers with their solutions and printers now and into the future.

Note: The path is designed is to target two core roles: Field Service, including Helpdesk support staff and Professional Services. Modules 1-3 are predominantly for service, and 4 - 10 are more geared to support Professional Services. Each module is intended to be run standalone where the delegate and business need are aligned. It is not expected that any role will complete all modules from 1 - 10 specifically. The exception being a new starter on a path to PS Integration Specialist role or Solution Archetect. The expected timescale for any module is 3 months to allow delegates time to complete all learning and practice their new skills before moving on to the next.

Classroom Based Learning (Virtual Classroom Training – Instructor Lead)

This package is all based around a series of classroom learning events, described as practitioner level courses, giving delegates both support a guidance along their path as well as facilitating any practical tasks. To achieve the goal of this training the delegate will also need to spend time learning from Videos, Books and complete some eLearning packages, specially selected to assist on their navigation of this learning path. There will be a need for self-learning using resources on the Internet (using search engines to find answers) to assist when changes are made to current technology and innovations in the future. Self help will be encoraged in all modules.

Virtual Learning - Virtual Classroom

These modules will be delivered using Canon CELs own virtual classrooms infrastructure, offering many of the benefits of classroom training but allowing student to attend from home via VPN or Selected Canon offices. The same training labs can be available in a traditional classroom setting using the same virtual classroom infrastructure and local print devices. This functionality is expected by H2 2023.